Framework File Types

fd – framework user-defined

Bundled scripts that are for the user-defined events of placeables.

fu – framework unit

Files that start with fu_ are framework unit files. They can be added or removed to your liking to add or remove functionnalities.

They can come in several flavors such as fu_plc for placeables, or fu_v for global variables on objects.

fw_ai – framework ai

Files that start with fw_ai_ are files to handle NPC interactions.

fw_dlg – framework dialog

Files that start with fw_dlg_ are files for dialogs. They come in two flavors: fw_dlg_act files which are dialog actions, and fw_dlg_cnd which are conditionals.

fw_evt – framework events

Files that start with fw_evt_ handle events.

fw_ovr – framework override

Files that start with fw_ovr_ are files that override stock scripts. They usually come in pair with a fw_fix file.

inc – include

Files that start with inc are NWNX:EE include and framework files.


Files that start with nwnx are NWNX:EE functionnality files.

un – user unit

User units. Although none are distributed by the framework, provision is made with the un for user units. Theses files will be registered before last on start.

ud – user defined

User user-defined units. Although none are distributed by the framework, provision is made with the ud for user user-defined units. Theses files will be registered last on start.