Module Startup


In order to start your module with the Faerun framework, it must be loaded by specifing a startup script via the NWNX environment variables. This script is run before module loading.

export NWNX_UTIL_PRE_MODULE_START_SCRIPT="fw_evt_mod_start"


LD_PRELOAD="./" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="." ./nwserver-linux (...)

Execution steps

The initialization sequence that the script fw_evt_mod_start runs is the following:

  • Verify NWNX:EE support and required plugins.

  • Disable the instruction count limiter on startup, so as to not timeout.

  • Verify some environment variables, such as NWN_DEBUG

  • Set and install required scripts for module events. As a double check feature, the script expects the module settings to be correctly set.

  • Load and send a REGISTER event to files that begin with one of the following: fw_x_, fu_, fd_, un_, and ud_.

  • Disable the instruction count limiter.

  • Continue with module loading.