Handle encounters and creature generation.
float GetEncounterMinCR(object oEncounter);
- Parameters:
oEncounter – An encounter
- Returns:
An integer as a float
Get the minimun CR from encounter
float GetEncounterMaxCR(object oEncounter);
- Parameters:
oEncounter – An encounter
- Returns:
An integer as a float
Get the maximum CR from encounter
void ResetEncounterAlreadyUsed(object oEncounter);
- Parameters:
oEncounter – An encounter
Reset the alreadyUsed flag of all creatures in encounter
json GetEncounterAsJson(object oEncounter);
- Parameters:
oEncounter – An encounter
- Returns:
A json array of encounter structure
Translate the encounter as a json structure.
Possible fields: index (int), resref (string), challengeRating (float)
unique (int), alreadyUsed (int)
int GetEncounterCreature(json jEncounter, float fCR);
- Parameters:
jEncounter – An json encounter
fCR – Approximative CR of creature to return.
- Returns:
Index of creature to use
Return index of a pseudo-random creature from json array.
object CreateCreatureFromEncounter(object oEncounter, float fCR, location lWhere);
- Parameters:
jEncounter – An json encounter
fCR – Approximative CR of creature to return.
- Returns:
Creature created
Create a single creature from encounter.