Trim the string of spaces on the left Trim the string of spaces on the right Trim the string of spaces, both left and right Return TRUE if sString starts with sNeedle Get nCount characters from sString, starting at nStart nStart is 0 based. Left pad the sString to the length of nLength Replace the sSearch string by sReplace Is the string an integer? Gets a suitable <cXXX> token to use at the start of a block of colored text. Must be terminated by </c> - nRed - Red amount (0-255) - nGreen - Green amount (0-255) - nBlue - Blue amount (0-255) cf. fw_x_tokens.nss Converts sString into a colored string, <cXXX>sString</c>. - nRed - Red amount (0-255) - nGreen - Green amount (0-255) - nBlue - Blue amount (0-255) cf. fw_x_tokens.nss